
Spain and the Balearics need to hit the ground running


IS Greece just about to steal a march on Spain? The Greek government is talking tourism with the British government. By the sound of it these discussions are quite advanced...with talks centring on the vaccine passport which would mean that British tourists heading to Greek hotspots would not need to quarantine. If British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces on Monday that British tourists will be able to go on holiday this summer Greece will be in pole position. So what is Spain doing?

Not a lot by the look of things, there is talk about the vaccine passport and even safe air corridors but nothing is in place. British tourism is vital for Spain, if there is a big reduction in British tourism there will be a major impact on the Spanish economy. Spain should be talking with the British travel industry. There is speculation that the British government could place Spain on the Covid red list and there is speculation that Spain could return the favour. But this is pure speculation.

What is evident is that the Spanish authorities must start making the right gestures. Push forward with the vaccine passport, talk with the British government about safe air corridors....just do something. Spain and the Balearics need to hit the ground running not strolling as they are doing at the moment. An estimated 25 million British tourists come to Spain every year and Greece obviously wants a slice of the action. The time has come for Spain to go on the offensive before it is too late.