Mask on the beach

The only way forward is the vaccine but the rate of vaccination is still very low


I suppose it does make sense. You have to wear a mask when you walk around Palma then logically speaking you should do the same on the beach.

But this latest piece of coronavirus legislation has caused an outcry and excuse the pun, many people couldn’t mask their disappointment.

It is understandable; it has been a very long winter of lockdown and restrictions and many people, both on the island and abroad, had been dreaming of the beach and their few days in the sun.

And now the Spanish government comes along and says that you have to wear a mask. It will rather complicate sunbathing and getting a face tan will be hard to say the least! Judging by some of the comments on our website ( it is a bridge too far for many people.

It is now looking increasingly unlikely that we will have a holiday season but the mask ruling could push people to go elsewhere. Now, obviously the Spanish government has good reason to introduce this legislation and of course it is all part of the public health drive to protect us from Covid.

Mallorcans are becoming increasingly alarmed and angry at the handling of the coronavirus in the Balearics.

The only way forward is the vaccine but the rate of vaccination is still very low. The light at the end of the tunnel of a few weeks ago appears to be disappearing and now you have to wear a mask even to go to the beach. We are certainly not out of the woods yet and we should be prepared for more restrictions.