Viewpoint: A tourist, a friend

There are big question marks over the two key markets

Travellers arrive at Heathrow Airport in London, Britain, 03 May 2021. | EFE


Rather ironic really. Two years ago the Balearic government were looking at ways of limiting tourism, now they are doing their best to get as many tourists here as humanly possible. Remember that the Balearic government had been looking to curb visits from big cruise ships and they even introduced legislation which outlawed some types of all inclusive holiday packages in Magalluf, the Playa de Palma and San Antonio in Ibiza.

I have seen plenty of comments on social media from people claiming that the Balearics no longer wanted tourism because of some of the legislation which was being introduced. But that was then and this is now, as the song goes.

A massive charm offensive has been launched and for the first time in its history, Mallorca faces a rather uncertain future. I have been at travel fairs and I always got the impression that the local authorities were quietly confident that everything would be alright on the night, and it always was.

But not this year. There are big question marks over the two key markets, Britain and Germany. There are even reports that Spain may not make the “Green List” when it is reviewed again next month. A lesson has been learnt by all. You can´t take tourists for granted.

The one good thing which has come out of this awful state of affairs is Mallorca needs tourism more than tourism needs Mallorca. So a warm welcome to all. Those senseless idiots who are opposed to tourism, I bet are having second thoughts.