Viewpoint: Speak your language
The Germans were not too impressed
I do find it rather unusual that restaurants and bars don´t have their menus in German | EFE / EPA
Palma03/06/2021 10:51
The Spanish, like the Brits, are not good on foreign languages. Infact, both nationalities use the same excuse, when they are asked what language they studied at school, they both reply French! But the Brits and the Spanish have established a nice cosy agreement, they can both speak a few words of either Spanish or English and that is enough.
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I find your comments unbelievable. In my experience virtually all restaurants have their menus in Castellano, Mallorquin, English and German. Many French and Russian as well.
Last time I was in Paguera, it was hard to find a menu in Spanish or English. Everything was in German !
The same people get angry about anything, especially if not getting their own way ;-)
I've suffered at the hand of the German superiority complex. If it's not too hard for them ,then use Google translate, it's what I do and it helps me learn Spanish. But we are talking about Germans aren't we. Brits and, even Germans, do get drunk but those that do don't parade some self righteous sense of superiority.
Most Germans accept that English is now the global language and most speak it in everyday business and commerce. That’s just how it is and although I speak some German most visitors I meet are happy conversing in English as its universal.
You say “it is vital that local schools teach English and German because after all these should be the languages of the tourist industry”. But how many of those in Balearic schools are going to join the tourist industry? I suspect a good number will have other ambitions, possibly outside of these islands, where German is not that important. By all means teach English as the first foreign language as that is the most important for international business. But there are other languages that are more useful in today’s business world than German. Mandarin Chinese actually tops the list today! Personally I think schools ought to be able to give pupils a choice for their second foreign language, say between two different languages. Incidentally I have nothing whatsoever against Germans or the German language!