Viewpoint: Confusing
This is a big problem at the moment
“The European Union announcement this week that British tourists were barred” | Emilio Queirolo
Palma05/06/2021 12:46
“ European Union governments agreed on Wednesday to add Japan to their small list of countries from which they will allow nonessential travel, while holding off until at least mid-June for British tourists, EU sources said on Tuesday.”
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The British givernment hasn't banned people from coming to Spain, it's just that they have to self-isolate and take tests on their return. They recommend essential travel only in the amber sector, but this is open to interpretation, and there is no way the self-isolation can be enforced, which is why it was a mistake having an amber list in the first place. Green or Red, that's enough for even the thickest of skulls to understand.
Well said Mr Moore.
We have amazingly high levels of vaccination. The EU is woeful. Try looking within for the answer. We are rightly protecting our borders. Something leaving the EU has given as a long overdue right and ability to so do. Get yourselves vaccinated and we will return.
It is apparent that neither UK or EE Governments are prepared to take the risk of spreders of the still new variants when it is not clear how effective vaccines are against them. That would seem sensible.. Judgements here could cause longer lasting problems here .If things are rushed.
Great article. You really expect anything else but confusion when the Spanish Government and the EU can’t sing off the same Hymn sheet!!!! Just look at their vaccination program. Utter chaos!!!