“Overall the customer service in Mallorca is superb...but there are some exceptions.” | A. BORRAS
Palma12/08/2021 10:31
All our hearts went out to bar and restaurant staff when they were forced to close down during the lockdown. It must be a nightmare situation if you want to work and earn money but you can´t because of a global pandemic. Since the easing of restrictions the majority of staff have gone back to work and offer fantastic service. But there are a few tiny exceptions which I have encountered.
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I actually think your being too kind. There is bad customer service everywhere in Mallorca and Spain in general. British are raised to understand good manners and this is carried forward to customer service in working life. Also many people actually hate doing their jobs in hospitality and it's clear to see this,as the service is poor. We come to expect good levels when we are served,the rest don't.