The electric peril

Electric mobility is the future, but with electricity prices going sky high, it’s costly.

There have been a number of accidents involving electric scooters. | EFE


I have no doubts about the world needing to reduce its carbon footprint to save the planet, the short to mid term consequences of climate change are already being felt right across the spectrum, it will even pose a serious challenge to the tourist industry. Skiing could become a holiday of the past and beaches will gradually disappear as summers become too hot to handle.
But what worries me is the danger of electric transport.
We have all seen the sharp growth in the number of accidents, some fatal, involving electric scooters and the so many near misses with pedestrians.
On Sunday I had two near misses. The first was with an electric motorbike which I didn’t hear coming from behind and then with a hybrid car which I didn’t hear either, they are all so quiet.
But the road map has been agreed on so I guess we’re all going electric. That’s all very good, but it is clearly going to mean a massive increase in the generation of electricity and surely, until that becomes 100 percent renewable, generating power is surely going to continue having a negative impact on the environment in one way or the other. Then there’s the cost. With electricity at a record price in Spain, charging your scooter, motorbike or car is going to be a rather expensive affair. Someone’s going to make a lot of money out of the electric revolution that’s for sure.