Viewpoint: Brexit jobs

So now there is a shortage of staff in certain key industries in Britain

“Britain is now facing a shortage of trained workers due to Brexit....” | Reuters


Britain’s leading employers are pushing the government to urgently increase funding to retrain workers and allow Europeans back into key sectors as supply chains buckle under the weight of COVID-19 and Brexit.

Incredible but true! It just seems remarkable how ill-prepared Britain appears to be to deal with even the smallest problem. It took years to get a final decision on Brexit and despite the government saying that Britain was pulling out little or no planning appears to have taken place.

It was quite normal that there would be an exodus of European Union workers from Britain, in fact some from eastern European countries are already at work in bars and restaurants on Mallorca. So now there is a shortage of staff in certain key industries in Britain.

The government will have to pay for a major retraining programme or it could try and persuade workers from the European Union to return which rather makes a mockery of Brexit. It just makes me wonder about this new dawn which was promised by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and some of his team.

“We´ve got our country back”, was the battle cry of the Brexiteers, unfortunately there is a shortage of people able to work in the country. Johnson may have been able to run London with knee-jerk legislation but you certainly can´t run a country like this. Being prepared for Covid was almost impossible, being prepared for Brexit should have been a priority.