With my wonderful parents at Es Dolç beach. Happy birthday, mum! | Amanda Jeffrey
Palma31/08/2021 14:31
Time does fly indeed, specially when it’s the last week of August and you’re trying to get everything organized for the new academic year! El Book de Amanda sold very well during lockdown and has also been selling well during the pandemic, then totally sold out at the book fair.
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i used to go to the old hotel bonanca, superb food
“Amanda Jeffrey” is an online lark designed to madden, infuriate, and ultimately laugh at Bulletin readers. No? How can this shallow as a Palma puddle persona be a real live writer when all we get is verbiage replete with appalling grammar and self obsessed musing. It’s like reading the secret diary of a teenager with designs on world domination. No more please, the joke has gone too far.