Zero sympathy

Already, the number of people voting in local and national elections is in decline

How can you take out another job when you should be working day and night for those you represent? | DYLAN MARTINEZ


These are dangerous times for British democracy and if drastic action is not taken soon the public may lose faith in the very people who are meant to represent them. I am sorry but I believe that if you are elected to parliament you shouldn´t have another job, however big or small it may be.

Politicians often say that being a Member of Parliament is the greatest honour anyone can have, well do it full time then! I am not saying that all Members of Parliament should be tarred with the same brush as those who are facing sleaze allegations at the moment, but a small few are getting parliament a bad name. Already, the number of people voting in local and national elections is in decline.

A sizeable majority of voters say that there is little point in casting their vote and all this is not helped by sleaze allegations. Labour, who also have their fair share of alleged bad apples, say that it is the same old Tories but really it is the same old MPs. How can you lobby for the private sector when you are expected to be the people´s representative?

How can you take out another job when you should be working day and night for those you represent? It is not rocket science if you are a Member of Parliament that should be enough. Some MPs moan and groan that they do not get paid enough..well they should have thought about that before they took the job in the first place.

Zero sympathy I am afraid to say. I don´t see members of the armed forces getting another job and they are similar public servants so why should MPs be able to claim additional cash when they are serving the British people. Out of order.