Comment: Hoteliers put Balearic government under pressure

A big mistake by the Balearic government

Taxing issue. | MADE NAGI


Using tourist cash to pay for an international music awards ceremony with a line-up which included Ed Sheeran was a big mistake by the Balearic government but I sincerely doubt that it will force them to have a tourist tax rethink.

The bottom-line is that the event was very well received locally with many supporting the government line that it gave the island international promotion. But let us remember that the tax was sold to the tourist industry and the visiting holidaymaker "as a small price to pay for easing the environmental footprint of mass tourism over decades." Yes, the money would be used to help the industry and make the island a better place. Even before the music awards some were questioning where the money was being they have plenty of ammunition to blast the government.