Fit for purpose

Most governments have a big enough problem dealing with Covid

“To be honest, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is not fit for purpose...” | CHRIS J. RATCLIFFE / POOL - CHRI


To be honest I have never been a fan of Boris Johnson. I always thought that he was a good Mayor of London but he would make a poor Prime Minister. I take no delight in saying that I have been proved right. Britain needs a good Prime Minister in these difficult times and I wish that Johnson had proved me wrong. But no. His cavalier attitude and his knee-jerk reactions mean that his government goes from one crisis to the next without dealing with the big crisis which continues to engulf the globe.

The writing is on the wall for Johnson. Sooner or later he will have to go but his exit is being delayed by an exceptionally poor Labour Party who make the Conservatives look good despite all their problems. I think one sentence rather sums up Johnson; how can be run the country when he doesn´t know what is going on in his own house?

I of course refer to the alleged Downing Street Christmas Party, widely denied but I suspect that most people believe it took place. The problem is that the Prime Minister has lost his credibility and even his friends in the media appear to be leaving him judging by some of the front pages headlines yesterday. Johnson is not fit for purpose.

Most governments have a big enough problem dealing with Covid, Britain has Brexit as well so a decent Prime Minister is certainly needed. The British public deserve better. He may have a won a landslide election victory but I bet many are now regretting voting for him in the first place.