The jab
The curfew could be reintroduced and numbers limited in local bars and restaurants
“An estimated 25,000 people have said that they will not have the jab...” | MANOLO BARRO
Palma19/01/2022 10:14
A big rise in the number of cases, 60,000 people self isolating in their own homes and local hospitals coming under even greater pressure because of the increased workload. This is the Covid medical report for the islands issued yesterday by the local ministry for Health.
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Kevin, this is what vaccinated means 'treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; inoculate'. As is quite this means that the covid 19 vaccine is clearly not a vaccine by definition. The covid 'jabs is an anti-viral medicine to reduce symptoms.
Get the jab and all will be well, is the government message....but are the unvaccinated listening? Seems to be your message too. In a week or two, masks and the passport will be binned. And in a year or two, folks will look back and think, 'why did I have 4/5/6/7 injections for the flu?' Hold your ground people!
Kevin - it is common Knowledge for most that you cannot compare Countries due to a number of factors such as demographics / Weather / Culture ect. No two Countries are the same which is why they have their own set of regulations.
Covid Vaccines were authorised for emergency use based on trial results, what results are we seeing after 18 months of their use? If I repair someone's boat and it then sinks, it would do no good to claim I prevented it catching fire as well!
Get the jab, the unvaccinated are to blame.. Like in neighboring Portugal, a country with one of the highest vaccination rates in Europe? Pretty much everyone who is eligible is vaccinated there, with the exception of young children and a few people who cannot get the jab for health reasons. Yet cases are going through the roof there as well. Now what, blame young children and immunocompromised people? Besides, what does "vaccinated" even mean? 2 doses? 3 doses? Some countries are at dose 4, and that still doesn't seem to be sufficient. Can we agree now that this mass vaccination campaign has been a complete and total failure? Of course not, the solution is more jabs, more restrictions, more curfews. And how did we even get there? If I remember correctly, the initial message was two weeks to flatten the curve so that the healthcare system doesn't collapse, meaning nothing more than "we need 2 weeks to prepare the healthcare system". Now it has been almost 2 years, and we still haven't prepared the healthcare system. Can we finally agree that not the coronavirus itself, but the political reaction to it has been and continues to be an unmitigated disaster?