The jab

The curfew could be reintroduced and numbers limited in local bars and restaurants

“An estimated 25,000 people have said that they will not have the jab...” | MANOLO BARRO


A big rise in the number of cases, 60,000 people self isolating in their own homes and local hospitals coming under even greater pressure because of the increased workload. This is the Covid medical report for the islands issued yesterday by the local ministry for Health.

This state of affairs is obviously causing concern in the offices of the Balearic government and it could mean that they come under pressure to introduce new restrictions. But what can the government do? The curfew could be reintroduced and numbers limited in local bars and restaurants. But in some ways the local government´s hands are tied.

New restrictions could lead to a wave of protests; last Saturday thousands of people marched through the streets of Palma calling for “Covid freedom” with their principal complaint being the Covid passport. What I still find amazing is that thousands of people are still unvaccinated despite government efforts.

Around 25,000 have said that they refuse to be vaccinated and there are thousands more who oppose the jab and are just waiting developments. The government has said that a high percentage of those who are undergoing treatment in intensive care units are unvaccinated.

This really should get the alarm bells ringing. Obviously, no one wants more restrictions and the government has placed the blame of the recent increase in cases at the door of the unvaccinated. Get the jab and all will be well, is the government message....but are the unvaccinated listening?