Comment: Watch your step

The stakes at the moment are high

Britain's latest nuclear submarine, HMS Audacious, arrived in Gibraltar at the weekend joining a U.S. submarine which was already moored there. | A.Carrasco Ragel


We are living in exceptionally dangerous times and one false move could have serious consequences. As the Ukrainians continue to give the Russian army a bloody nose, President Vladimir Putin increases his anti-western rhetoric. NATO is continuing to bolster its forces in countries which border Ukraine and a massive naval show of force, lead by a Royal Navy aircraft carrier close to the Arctic, has just been completed. NATO jets and spy planes continue to fly close to the Russian and Ukrainian borders. Obviously, there is tension. Britain's latest nuclear submarine, HMS Audacious, arrived in Gibraltar at the weekend joining a U.S. submarine which was already moored there.

Yesterday, footage emerged on social media of the British submarine being loaded with cruise missiles. Now, all this could be completely unrelated to Ukraine and indeed it could be just a training exercise by a new vessel of the Royal Navy. But it adds to the tension. Gibraltar is the usual stop off point for British submarines heading out into the Mediterranean or even further afield.

The fact that two nuclear submarines are moored at Gibraltar will not have been missed by the Russians or anyone else for that matter. With Russia in a highly belligerent mood I think the West should watch its actions and be careful not to provoke the Russians. The stakes at the moment are high. NATO is a defensive organisation and it should stick to its guns but without provoking Putin too much.