Brexit has damaged Anglo/Spanish relations. This is not just some sweeping statement, I think you can safely say that Spain was not too impressed when Britain decided to leave the European Union.
Brexit has damaged Anglo/Spanish relations. This is not just some sweeping statement, I think you can safely say that Spain was not too impressed when Britain decided to leave the European Union.
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Why does Brits believe they can cherry pick and stand in one foot in each camp, as they please? Either you are part of EU or you are outside. You have chosen. Now live up to it, and stop complaining. You are treated exactly as all other non EU countries. It's time to grow up and accept reality.
Oh, by the way, Spanish dependency on Britain is also quite illusionary. The only place that believes that is Britain. But that's to be expected.
Like any of the illusionary Brexit benefits, "cake and eat it" was also unrealistic. Welcome to the real world. Enjoy your stay!