Heatwave blues

“The heatwave is bad news for business....people are staying clear...”

The temperatures in Mallorca are getting out of control. | DAVID ARQUIMBAU / EFE


This heatwave is not good for business. Mallorca is known for its fantastic weather but there is concern amongst the business community that it is too hot. Bar and restaurant terraces, even those in the shade, remain empty for much of the day because it is just too hot to sit outside.

Those that do venture out take refuge in air conditioned shops and megastores. The heatwave has placed an added worry on the shoulders of local businesses; they have to make all their money when the temperatures cool down, from about 7pm onwards. Some people even say that it is too hot to go to the beach....and they are not wrong! Experts say that heatwaves of this type are the future thanks to global warming. Even the local tourist industry is concerned....too much heat is bad for business.

The weather in Mallorca is definitely changing. Colder winters and hotter summers and no spring are the norm these days. Hotter temperatures in Northern Europe are also hitting holiday sales to the island. The heatwave in Britain will mean that fewer people will come on holiday to the island.

The airport and transport chaos coupled with higher temperatures have meant that staycations are becoming even more popular in Britain. Mallorca is known for its sunshine and great weather, unfortunately at the moment even the weather has become rather radical, which is bad news for all.