Mallorca Brexit; what we know now and what we didn't know then
Newcomers to the island face paperwork mountain
There was a school of thought that the lives of British citizens living in Spain would be unaffected by Brexit and to a certain extent this is the case, but those British citizens planning a new life in Spain in the post-Brexit era face a paperwork mountain.
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@Andy Walker Shame your PHD didn't teach you to reread what you have typed before you post. Always a good idea. Was your PHD in economics or evonomics ?
What I find funny is most Brexit voters are now saying I didn't vote Brexit to be worse off 🤷♂️. YES you did, we would always be worse off. I have no problem if people accept they will be 10% worse off just to be rid of Europe. Don't agree but I would accept that. Many Scots want independence at any cost. I appreciate that too. However, its seems to me that most Brexiteers were and continue to be deluded and short of a few brain cells!
As someone with a PHD in economics and a 25 year career at a too US investment bank. I woukd dearly like to hear thd arguement from a Brexiteer as to why the UK with an economy 1/9th the size if Europe can cut better deals with China/Japan et al than a much bigger trading block. Its like me asking the farmer down the road to sell me my 10 pints a week cheaper than the coffee ship who buys 90 pints from him. It is simple evonomics and Brexiteers simply dont understand the math.
Oh, and by the way, I have relatives in the UK who all voted for Brexit for various reasons, including "to prevent 70 million Turks from coming", another said "the NHS needs the money". My favourite is one who not only voted for Brexit to "prevent Shariah law", but now claims vindication because it's an irrefutable fact that post-brexit UK is not ruled by Shariah law. I have no doubt that these people are hardly unique. In fact, you still to find lots of people who voted for, and still stand by their equally absurd and imaginary motivations for it. You've just trotted out a few imaginary ones yourself. There were after all, plenty of imaginary motivations offered, as a matter of historical record. Yet today, nobody has been able to identify one single tangible benefit from Brexit. Not one upside. Yet they sure complain about all the downsides. And the worst part - blame it on everybody else - and that's why there's so much bad blood about Britain (well, England). Used to be looked up to. Now pitied. Who's fault is that? If Britain (England) would just shut up and live with its own mistakes, I doubt anyone would care, or even think about it it or mention it. But no, it's everybody else's fault, and they're all being unfair to innocent Brits (for Britain's own foolish mistakes) . And we want our cake. And everything else. Because we're entitled. And that's why the backlash. It's not "remoaners". It's not "socialists". It's not any specific "tribe" at all. They're just calling it like they see it. If you don't like that, then perhaps you should consider why they perceive you that way. They're all just punishing you for no apparent reason? Really? They're jealous? Of what? OK, you "won". So, now shut up and live with it. And quit blaming everybody else.
David HollandDavid, you're again conflating two different things. All visitors, regardless of origin (even EU citizens) who have booked >commercial< accommodation (hotels villas, fincas, etc) are required to submit their passport or national ID data to the host, which is then entered into a police database. The purpose of this isn't simply to control criminality, but to provide some contact information in the event of any emergency such as an accident rendering the victim(s) unconscious, or even death. They need to be able to identify where they're staying so that others in their circle can be contacted, and investigations can be rapidly conducted if necessary. This of course, does not apply to private visitation of friends and relatives, and in no way constitutes anything remotely resembling "police permission" as you originally asserted. You need to stop arguing this point. In the wise words of Confucius, "deeper dig not way out of hole".
David HollandThe letter of invitation has to be presented at border control if asked for it, the hosts don’t have to inform the police!! Incidentally this also now applies when I, a Spanish citizen, visit the UK and stay in a private home. And if you don’t mind me saying so - I don’t mean to be rude - but you do go on a bit about all sorts of things quite irrelevant to the article.
Ulla JacksonYes it’s like that everywhere. I was seconded to the states luckily the company sorted out the documents for me . The Anzac states are the same and they are seriously short of skilled and professional types. You have to have stake money to get in. I was offered dual citizenship to work out there but it was conditional on having sufficient funds to resettle. But that’s how it is. It’s your choice or the company in my case somebody pays the bill.
Morgan WilliamsWell because I am sad and inquisitive I’ve had a look into this stories possible origins. By the looks of it. It’s all about the third nation citizens proving they have somewhere to stay . Spain past legislation / protocol in 2014 . That none European Union visitors staying in private homes must have a letter of invitation to gain access to Spain. That gives a duty to the host to inform the police that none nationals are living there. As is the custom in Spain in hotels etc. It’s on the Spanish govt website.
I understand why the Spanish are reluctant to employ British, if it's more complicated and you can get the same skilled workers from an EU country. Who in their right mind would battle against the windmills for the sake of it?
Andy WalkerWell it’s nice that you feel superior to others. I hope you and your like minded associates are happy with this illusion. Unfortunately for the illiberal superior type among us the U.K. is still in essence a democracy and plutocrats don’t have the keys to the house. Your description of Brexit voter stereotypes is very guardian reader. I voted for Brexit. I am retired now but not old. I am certainly not poor but I am from a working class background. I have a electrical engineering degree gained night school at local polytechnic when I was in my early 20s and a MBA from a well known yank university when I was mid 30s. A IQ score north of 140. I live in the north , Northumberland actually, because I choose to . I like most don’t hate Germany I have many friends there and lived in Frankfurt for some time while on business. The empire is long gone and of no relevance.although many commonwealth nations are the fastest growing economies in the world and India the coming superpower. Fear of the foreigner , change and competition, well all societies have that. Personally I had many polish people in my U.K. business. 10% of the engineering workers at all levels in my last company where polish. salary £40k. Plus ..Incidentally the European Union is effectively a inward closed market protected by spurious standards and tariffs. Example a Japanese machine tool sold globally and in all terms identical in the territorial market place is 40% more expensive in Europe than say India or USA . Your perceived intellectual superiority over those may be less able or of different views is quite worrisome. You mentioned the war and empire. Perceived superiority played a part in both those historic events along with the slave trade. None of which enriched the human experience and in some cases ended badly for those who thought themselves superior. Personally I’ll stick with poor flawed and often chaotic democracy it’s served us well up to now, and certainly preferred to the alternate.