No sale

“This legislation will probably never come into force but it is another sign that buyers are not being welcomed with open arms”


The Balearic government are slowly turning the screw and making it difficult for foreigners to buy a home on the island. In the case of the British, the paperwork now involved to buy a home in Mallorca in this post-Brexit era, would keep a recycling plant busy for at least a day!

Obviously, we are talking about non-residents but if a Briton wants to buy a home on Mallorca (non-resident), he or she must first ask the military for permission, then ensure that the Balearic government allows the sale and then thirdly check their dates because of the 90-day rule for non-residents.

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This legislation, which aims to curb the sale of homes to non-residents, will probably never come into effect, but it will hit the property market, as yet another sign that the local authorities are no longer welcoming foreign buyers with open arms.

Granted that Mallorca could be termed to be “overcrowded” in the key summer months, but we must also remember that tourism (and that includes non-resident property owners) is our livelihood. It shouldn't be a case of residents first and tourists second. Many people would say that it should be the other way around and I would agree.

Haven't we learnt anything from the pandemic when resorts were empty and unemployment was at a record high? We need second homeowners, it is up to the government to find a way to manage tourism and home sales.