It’s all change in Balearic politics

I made sure to go to my local polling station last Sunday to cast my vote

Voting in Soller. | Anna Nicholas


As I have the right to vote in the Baleares, I made sure to go to my local polling station last Sunday to cast my vote. It was a jolly affair and a chance to catch up with neighbours and friends. Of course, aside from the social benefits, we were all there hoping to make a tiny personal difference to our town’s future and welfare.

Soller, which has been led by the PP party and mayor, Carlos Simarro, threw up a surprising outcome as PP came in first but with a newcomer party called Seny i Sentit nibbling at its heels along with nationalistic Més. The left-wing parties were practically annihilated as was seen across the Balearic Islands. The rise of the PP and ultra-right VOX also caused shockwaves in some quarters, as the same pattern was witnessed on the mainland.

Recently, I was speaking with a group of taxi drivers in Palma who assured me that they’d all vote PP as they were furious that free transport had been inaugurated this year by the incumbent regional government. They claimed that it had decimated their business, something I honestly hadn’t given a thought about. Meanwhile, many in the food and beverage game still nursed grievances against the ruling party over heavy-handed bureaucracy and enhanced costs, and new laws on awnings, patios, and noise. One association joined street marches during Covid, protesting at the regional government’s stance on the industry and so many members voted with their feet at this election, demanding change.

The hotel industry too has seemingly been at war with the socialist PSOE governing party over its moratorium on new builds and a new law which suggested all hotel beds had to be changed to a more user-friendly but costly variety for chambermaid convenience. And then there are all those furious that they cannot rent out properties due to another moratorium on holiday licences.

As they say, you cannot please all of the people all of the time but this heavy swinging of the pendulum means one thing: the populace demand change.


Pastry Wars

What a to-do there was at Palma Airport recently. Two customers valiantly attempted to board a Ryanair flight with large ensaïmada pastries only to be charged 45€ a piece. Ryanair claims that the passengers had exceeded their onboard baggage allowance, but come on, this much-loved local pastry is an island treasure. There have been indignant responses from the Mallorcan regional government over the fiasco with demands for both Ryanair and AENA to discuss the matter as a matter of urgence. Furthermore, Balearic tourism officials fiercely defended the local product and were at pains to rule out discrimination of any kind. By contrast, saintly Spanish airlines would never dream of charging for ensaïmadas taken on board and I’ve witnessed countless passengers carrying huge pastry boxes onto their flights without problem. Summer is coming so let’s hope the drama is resolved soon and that those with a passion for pastries will find boarding their flights with a huge ensaïmada gift box, simply a piece of cake.


What’s up with WhatsApp voice messaging?

Friends of mine in the UK were having a debate recently about the new trend for leaving voice messages on WhatsApp rather than texts. Some loved the new habit while others berated it, claiming that people rambled too long, and it was tedious having to listen to recordings rather than read a quick text. I have to admit to being addicted to voice messaging. There’s a reason for this. I am constantly on the run all day and have very little time for anything other than work so to be able to get back to people while walking or doing something else, is a no-brainer for me. Texting long explanations takes too much time and as I’m impatient, the voice option is so much easier.

I do appreciate that it can be frustrating listening to messages, but it does save time. It’s also lovely to hear someone’s voice without having to make a phone call. We’re all so busy now that it never seems convenient to call someone unless pre-scheduled. So often, I get a call while I’m in the middle of online meetings or on a journalistic deadline and simply cannot speak so I much prefer voicemails and texts. I work all day and often in the evenings, so receiving calls is very difficult for me. Voice mails allow you to listen and digest the news or enquiry and can get back to whoever it is at your leisure. Of course, some will disagree. All I can say is if you want to get hold of me, I’ll be happy to hear your voicemail on a WhatsApp. No doubt, I’ll be on the hoof or at the wheel.

Mallorca TV crime project

Over the last few years, I’ve been approached by TV and film scouts about my Mallorca based crime series but nothing as yet has come of it and as it’s really difficult to get an option or film deal these days, I never get over-excited and just wait to hear. However, a TV scout recently approached me about the series and also put Fallen Butterfly, my latest crime caper with protagonist Isabel Flores, forward for a crime pilot project on the site. The site is running the project as a competition with selected crime fiction titles. The public are invited to give five votes to their favourite title by logging on as a reader and going to the books section, scrolling down, and voting for the title of their choice. So, if, dear readers, you are feeling kind and would like my crime fiction titles potentially optioned for a TV series, please kindly go to the site and cast your five votes for Fallen Butterfly. I would be indebted. There’s only one week or so to go, so votes must be placed soon. As I always say, nothing ventured, nothing gained!