A full English for a few euros in Palmanova

So watch your prices because otherwise you could find yourself without clients and money

I enjoyed a full English breakfast for six euros. | Jason Moore


Regular readers of this space will have noticed that I often complain about some high bar and restaurant prices in Mallorca. Seven euros for a glass of wine or three euros for a small coffee are just some of the examples of what I term as rip-off Mallorca. Having said that, it is Palma where prices appear to be high. Last Sunday I was in Palmanova. I enjoyed a full English breakfast for six euros. It was so good that I even went back for lunch with main courses costing under 10 euros. So why can the holiday resorts offer value for money but Palma can't? There are some bars and restaurants in the centre of the city where staff should be wearing balaclava helmets because it is daylight robbery! The problem is becoming so serious that mainland Spaniards can no longer afford to come here on holiday.

As I mentioned recently, in Asturias a beer at the airport cost two euros while the same beer at Palma airport costs you four. Now, I understand that times are hard and money is short but if you want a full bar or restaurant the way is to offer value for money. In some cases I get the impression that a small number of bars and restaurants charge outrageous prices because they know that most of their clients are cruise ship passengers who are never going to return. A measure of price control is needed in Palma or just follow the good example set by businesses in the holiday resorts. Once a place gets a reputation for being expensive it is difficult to contain it. Mallorca is a fantastic place and probably one of the best in Spain and the Mediterranean but remember the majority of tourists who come here are on a budget. The majority of people who live and work here are in the same boat. So watch your prices because otherwise you could find yourself without clients and money.