Russell Brand and the dangerous power of media

The famed bad boy of film, TV and stage is now a reformed character

British comedian and actor Russell Brand. | EFE


Heads up, I’ve never been a fan of comedian and actor, Russel Brand. His lewd and crass humour, annoying attempts at pedantic wordplay and manic personality were always a massive turn off. I never found him irresistibly attractive and when in 2008 he pulled that infamous stunt – along with Jonathan Ross – prank calling actor, Andrew Sachs, from a BBC Radio 2 show, I saw red.

And yet, here we are in 2023 and the famed bad boy of film, TV and stage is now a reformed character. He’s a non-drinking vegan, happily married with two little girls and another baby on the way. He has literally millions of internet followers who lap up his podcasts, videos and posts. He is an internet messiah and doesn’t rely on mainstream media to get his audiences. He’s a one-man band with a great backing team, a big mouth, ability to nudge where it hurts, and a new zeal for controversy and uncovering the truth whether it be about the dangers of Big Pharma, the Covid vaccine or the manipulative powers of modern-day government. Is he a conspiracy theorist? Maybe a touch but when you listen to his videos, he is utterly compelling. He is, in truth, highly intelligent, charismatic and above all, convincing.

I’d never have even bothered to listen to Russell Brand’s podcasts and watched his recent videos, had it not been for the current furore that has arisen from the Channel 4 Dispatches programme. He has been accused by the mainstream media of horribly serious sexual misdemeanours: assaults, rape and coercion of a young girl but not one of these alleged victims appears to have lodged an official complaint with the police. If Brand is the monster that the media accuse him of being, we need the police to say they have the victim impact statements and proof, and for a judicial procedure to follow.

Trial by media is the most serious aspect of this case and the fact that Brand, without police verification and corroboration of the crimes, has been cancelled without a fair trial. His revenue streams have been cut off, his shows annulled, his name forever slurred. Hypocritically, YouTube has stopped paying for his material but is keeping it up on the site just so that IT can still derive a huge income.

A few simple questions but why have these women only come forward now? Why did the mother of the 16-year-old girl allow her daughter to hang out with Brand? Why is Brand’s own father not being vilified for making his only son watch porn videos as a young child and for introducing him to sex workers? Where does this sordid nightmare end?

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Surely, each and every one of us in a democratic society is entitled to a fair trial? The media at large has acted like a savaging hyena, gouging away at half-truths, chasing pointless soundbites, and expounding ludicrous views on the subject. My favourite was in the Daily Mail with a journalist pointing out that Brand had ‘worn eyeliner’. Well, I guess that MUST make him a rapist then. Eye roll, please.

Years ago, every single one of my girlfriends, without exception was propositioned while at work. It was completely normal to have some usually older scumbag - often your boss -pursuing you. They tried to break you down because you were young and frightened of losing your job but it paid to stay strong and rebuff the revolting advances. It probably happened to me at least ten times and on a few occasions, I managed to extricate myself from quite dangerous situations. I was lucky but many girls weren’t. There were also the trusted ‘family friends’ - those charming older males that everyone adored – and who’d so kindly offer to take you out as a teenager to some event or show. There was always another agenda. And of course, the shmucks offered lifts to and from home, so parents trusted them. They were the real snakes to be watched.

So, how long do we stretch back in time in order to give all these felons their just desserts? The Russell Brand case is just too scrumptious for an ever-hungry clickbait media to resist because he’s such a huge name and so popular, but what about those creepy cretins we women suffered in our day-to-day jobs and what of those predatory ‘family friends’? Should we all now go to the police with our sorry tales that hark back maybe 30 or more odd years? Where’s the evidence and what do we want to achieve? Some kind of confession, atonement, revenge or possibly remuneration of some kind? I totally get the MeToo movement but when are we women going to accept that it happened, was shockingly normalised way back then, and move on?

Russell Brand may well be guilty as hell – and the TV companies and agencies that condomed his antics - but for my money the way the media is stitching him up is unfair, suspicious, and deeply concerning. Brand’s millions of adoring fans are saying that the establishment was coming for him. He’d become too dangerous, too politicised, too independent and way too influential and popular. I hesitate to ask, but what if they’re right?

Con artists

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