Masks: Who should make the decisions?

In the Balearics, the incidence of respiratory viruses is low

The use of masks in all health centres is mandatory once again. | Miguel Barreto


I am not in the least bothered by Spain’s health ministry having mandated the wearing of face masks. Why should I be? It is a measure that only applies to health centres, hospitals and care homes. And as I am only likely to go to a health centre or a hospital because I’m not well, then why would I possibly object? Some do of course, but that’s their business.

A question that arises, though, concerns the fact that when there were flu epidemics in the past - and we are mainly talking flu - there were no orders to wear masks. Now, or so it seems, the experience of the pandemic is making mask-wearing common practice. There has been that experience and there has also been a supply factor. Remember when coronavirus first reared its ugly head and there were no masks. That’s not the case now.

If health authorities believe there is value in the measure, then so be it. It’s hardly an inconvenience, for heaven’s sake. But there is then another question. Which health authorities? In the Balearics, the incidence of respiratory viruses is low - the least affected region of Spain.

For now at any rate. The health minister, Manuela García, believes that masks in health centres is a measure that is being imposed unnecessarily. Maybe, and perhaps the regions should have the right to decide. They will if there are two weeks of decreased incidence, which is a Spanish government criterion.

Flu is typically less of a concern in the Balearics than on the mainland. Even so, the health service does come under strain. García’s responsibility is as much to the management of the service as it is to public health. Regional decisions, ok, but for health reasons, not political ones.