Beyond staycations and day trips in Soller

We see many groups in Soller in February and March

Tourists walking around the centre of Soller. | PLOZANO


The trends for 2024 occupy us at Sollerweb as they do all major businesses on the island. We all have opinions on saturation and most residents are enjoying having Mallorca to themselves for the winter months. This is all fine and dandy if you are being paid in one form or another for those ‘non-working’ periods. If not, the winter months are very hard and why food banks are a fact of life for some.

The talk of the week for businesses I am chatting to is all about staycations and day trippers. The statistics on the number of visitors Mallorca receives from other parts of Spain are significant. Spaniards love their islands, and many have summer houses here plus friends and family they come and stay with. The early season subsidised holidays for Spanish pensioners has always been a feature of our world. We see many groups in Soller in February and March, behind a guide explaining the history of Soller and its Gaudi influences. Their spending power when they visit is a mixed bag as some spend nothing as all their needs are taken care of in their ‘all-inclusive holidays’. Some are mega spenders and local shops benefit hugely from their visit. One size does not fit all in the expectation of the groups.

The big rise this past year is in the number of people from other parts of the island who regularly come and stay a few nights in Soller and especially the Port. These are not the people chasing ‘out of season’ bargains but more those who use the Soller Valley as a hub for their friends’ gatherings. Spa weekends and house parties are a rising trend plus the pre wedding parties which we are seeing much more of. Baby reveal parties and other events which necessitate an overnight stay are becoming common. Live in Palma, weekends, and summers in Soller, are among the aspirations of the young rich among us. This creates a new dynamic of expectations, and many are needed staff to facilitate.

The day trip for thousands, in a year, is the train to Soller from Palma, followed by the Tram to the Port, followed by the boat to Sa Colobra. This is all courtesy of the Ferrocarril of Soller. We are the number one destination in Mallorca for trippers. This is not new business as this trip has been established for years. We constantly have conversations with those who have holidays, or even live here, who say their first introduction was on one of those trips.

The high profile Soller has in the media, on TV and in films mean we have visitors who are looking for the locations seen on the screen. Some tour companies are now using this as part of their itineraries.

For 2024 we know of businesses in Barcelona who advertise ‘Day Trips to Soller. A 30-minute flight and then picked up and taken to the station in Palma for the Soller train. Travellers can be in Soller by noon. A day trip with a difference to the Valley of the Oranges is how it’s being advertised.

Many people do not want to be ‘organised’ and for them to find Soller by bus, from whichever resort they are staying, is their pleasure. The increase in tourism by bus since the timetables have improved has been marked. The buses are a victim of their own success and often must run extra buses especially, during the walking season.

The focus for businesses is on how to provide the best experience for the trippers. Public toilets, accessibility for wheelchairs, information in as many languages as possible and a big welcome is at the centre of all general discussions.

The more specific needs of local Islanders using Soller as a base of events and celebrations is a different world and present different challenges. As a ten month resort the Soller Valley is well placed to influence this by presenting an off season, high end, programme. I have listened as professionals have outlined their plans. All will be revealed as the plans take shape and staff are in place to make it happen. Interesting times ahead…