I call myself a lot of things which are unpublishable, but one thing I can say in print is that I’m a hiker. I’m clearly not well in the head because every day of the working week I get up at stupid o’clock, make a bucket of coffee and hit the road, heading into the mountains to hike with my dog, Nala, before starting work.
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I regularly walk an obscure but incredibly picturesque path which starts just at my property. Not only have dozens of weekly led tour groups, and even worse, hill runners, destroyed many of the carefully constructed dry stone steps and pulled down walls over the years, leave cigarette butts on the pineneedle-strewn forest floor!!!, a regular sight is little heaps of fluttering brown stained paper and their accompanyment, right by the trail. My dog would get me a €300 fine for the same, without the additional littering.