Is it me, or are the streets of Mallorca increasingly paved with poop? For the last seven days, without exception, I’ve exited my front gate to find a freshly squeezed doo-doo and I’m beginning to lose my sh1t (pun intended). Before your imagination runs riot, no, I’m not the target of some kind of dirty campaign. Far from it. Millionaire mansions or bijou apartments, almost every calle in the neighbourhood has its (un)fair share of dog logs. It looks disgusting, smells foul, and is downright dangerous for children and animals exposed to potentially harmful bacteria. (FYI canine parvovirus spreads like wildfire and can be fatal.)
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Seeing as the miscreant owners are probably overwhelmingly Mallorcan/Spanish and unlikely to be even aware that the MDB exists your pleas will go unheard and unheeded. It would seem that these people have no qualms about living in litter strewn, graffiti adorned, dog pooped neighbourhoods. Enforcement and fining them could work, but you rarely see any police about and I’ve never heard of anyone being fined. What must our visitors think?