Bring your sunloungers to Mallorca, we are not ready yet!

May 1 is usually mentioned as the start of the season

Archive photo of the Playa de Palma without any sunloungers on the beach. | P. BOTA


We live from tourism and the majority of tourists who do come to the island want to go to the beach. The local authorities may be very keen to push other things from walking in the mountains to local food, but the bottom line is that most tourists come to Mallorca to go to the beach. We are faced with yet another record season and if some are to be believed the summer gets longer every year. Then why are many beaches across the island still without beach loungers and sun shades?

This is a scandalous state of affairs which gives the wrong impression. How can you try and persuade tourists to come to the island at this time of the year when the beaches are not ready? It is nothing new but with the local authorities constantly stating that they want a longer season you would have thought that the problem would have been resolved.

May 1 is usually mentioned as the start of the season. Not this year, we are still not ready. There are still a sizeable number of hotels which haven’t opened either. Granted that the weather has been poor and the number of tourists has been low but surely the island needs to get its act together?

Come and see us but don’t forget to bring your sunlounger if you go to the beach; this should be the message from the local authorities at the moment! Beaches are vital, simply.