Cyclists, clean up your act!

The average stay of a visiting cycle tourist is 6 days

Cyclists in Mallorca. | R.D.


Let’s start with this: I LOVE cyclists, in fact I love them so much I married one. The sport of cycling is great, it brings much needed income to the island in the shoulder months of the main summer season.
350k cyclists come here every year, and finger-in-the-air maths says that’s approximately 5,300 flights just to get them here and back to whence they came. That means we residents also benefit from those flight connections, if we want or need to, keeping routes open which might otherwise be closed out of season.

The average stay of a visiting cycle tourist is 6 days which adds up to 2.1 million nights in hotels annually, and with an average spend of €95 a day puts around €200 million bucks into the island economy, typically in the low season. So, thanks for all of THAT cyclists, you rock. Yadda yadda.

What I DON’T like is the behaviour of cyclists when they are here in Mallorca. Of course we have just experienced the peak as the Mallorca 312 was last weekend, so I accept that there are even more of them in these weeks spreading money around and saving the planet. But hang on, that’s not quite right is it as the 312 has a “bit” of a littering issue. An environmental group Earth Converse, just posted on social media about the large amount of plastic (18,000 empty energy gel wrappers!) that was tossed onto the roads during the event, and it would seem has not then been collected by the organisers, despite the roads being closed for the day, which would have seemed to be an ideal opportunity to clean up after themselves.

And speaking of roads, let’s briefly touch on the main issue I feel that many island residents have with our bicycle-loving visitors: they don’t seem to remember that they share the roads with other users. Maybe it’s the “holiday bubble” they are in when they are cycling along three abreast having a lovely chat about whatever, or maybe it’s because they don’t realise they are blocking the opportunity for me, or anyone else in a car, from overtaking them or maybe they just don’t care, but it is incredibly annoying to wait time and again to be able to pass them safely because they cycle in such huge groups.

I don’t want to spoil your holidays but have some consideration for everyone else and the island we treasure, please!