Tourists walking in the centre of Palma. | Jaume Morey


Be careful what you wish for. This statement always comes to mind when there is talk of attempting to attract fewer tourists to the island. These words were echoed by the Chief Executive of travel giant Jet2, when he was asked about the need to limit tourism to the island. The Balearic government has gone into overdrive setting up a committee which will look at ways at changing the tourism model: in other words we are talking about the end of mass tourism.

I must say certain sectors in the Balearics are doing an exceptionally good job at trying to put off tourists from coming to the island with talk of mass protests and booze bans. I think that everyone would admit that the islands have reached their limit during the peak summer months; there are just too many tourists (at the moment).

But this could easily change. All you need is for Greece, Turkey or Croatia to dramatically reduce their prices and the Balearics will not need to create committees and panels because tourists will simply go elsewhere and the Balearic dream of fewer tourists will be a reality.

It is a dangerous thing to say that we want fewer tourists because it gives the impression that tourists are not welcome in large numbers. I also caution that the winters are long and cold on the island with no tourists.