In the doghouse

Manners and respect have gone out of the window

A woman walking several dogs. | Archives


Now don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of sensible dog owners so this rant doesn’t apply to them and thank you for your thoughtfulness, but there are those that have that ‘I will do what I want to do’ attitude and don’t give any thought to other people.

I have a few pet hates if you pardon the pun, with the main one being those that do not pick up there dog mess, rather leaving it on the pavement or path to either be stepped in or to smell, and then there are those so called ‘environmental’ lovers who place the mess in a ‘poo bag’ then leave it hanging on a branch or plonked on a seat. At the end of the day this is actually littering, so it would be nice to see this enforced more. If you’re so sure the bag is bio-degradable why you don’t you take it home and hang it on the bushes and trees in your garden.

And nothing is more annoying than sitting down at an outside table to enjoy a peaceful coffee and that certain person comes along with a dog in a pink bow or some other ridiculous item placed on the dog, simply to get people’s attention, and let the dog yap at everything, with no attempt whatsoever to keep the dog quiet. They may love their dog and enjoy listening to it, but the rest of us don’t. Manners and respect have gone out of the window, and people simply think ‘it is my little dogykins’ and to hell with the rest of us.