Graffiti in the old part of Palma. | Archives


This spot of graffiti in the old part of Palma rather sums up the feelings of some regarding tourism in Mallorca. There is a small minority, but very vocal, who want a complete change in the industry with a big reduction in tourism and a return to the old days. I am not too sure what the “old days” are but I suppose it means when the local economy was not so reliant on tourism and there were fewer holidaymakers.

Then there is another important group of people on the islands who want fewer tourists and not of the “boozy kind”. Probably the biggest group is the third one, the one that says that the islands depend on tourism and we need as many holidaymakers as we can get. It would be very difficult to find a balance between any of the three groups.

My view is that if the islands are overcrowded three months of the years then it is a small price to pay for the prosperity that we enjoy.