Moment when the president of the Balearic Government, Marga Prohens, presented the process of transforming the region's tourism model during the opening day of the tourism fair in the German capital. | CAIB


Perhaps I am missing the point but surely the message from the Balearic President, Marga Porhens, in Berlin was rather out of tone? Rather than thanking the millions of German tourists who come here every year, she said that the islands would continue to search for new markets so that they were not so reliant on Britain and German.

This maybe true but surely the ITB German tourist fair was not the place to do it? If it hadn´t been for a surge in German tourism to the Balearics last year the islands would have been reporting a fall in tourism. Secondly, it is always nice to be thanked because lets face it, German tourism and to a lesser extent the British, help prop-up the local economy. The theory is good but in practice it could be described as abit rude.

The British ambassador to Spain, Sir Alex Ellis, was quoted as saying that there had been fewer British tourists last year but they had spent more. In an ideal world, surely it would have been better if we had the same number or a few more British tourists, spending more? Our economy is heavily reliant on tourism. We need the Germans and Britons, because they are the two dominate markets. It is a fine balance. If we get a few more Italians and French then great, but don´t forget who pays the mortgage.