Paying more with the same money

Are you watching your pennies at the supermarket?

A consumer checks the receipt of their purchase at the exit of a supermarket. | Gemma Andreu


If I had a euro, every time someone said to me that it now costs 100 euros to buy what you once bought at the supermarket for 50 euros, I would be a rich man! The price of some basic items has gone through the roof, in some cases overnight, pushing consumers to look for bargains or even the supermarket’s own brands. While the boffins in Madrid say that the Spanish economy is booming you don’t get that impression at the supermarket till.

Consumers are watching their pennies, very closely, and any item deemed to be a luxury is discarded. Wages have not kept pace with inflation and new government rules, regarding overtime in some sectors, have meant that some people have less available income. “Its all very well people moaning about house prices, I have a nightmare paying for the weekly shop,” said one Mallorcan middle-income earner. I would say that this problem will dent Spanish economic growth; because the economy is consumer led.

What I find amazing is that the government says nothing. Is Madrid so out of touch that it no longer knows what is going on in the country? Take egg prices. We will soon be faced with the possibility of a single egg costing one euro, a nightmare scenario for many people. Also, Spain uses a lot of eggs, they are a key part of its cuisine. Unless wages start to rise then consumers are going to have big problems in Spain. Granted that the government has increased the minimum wage but middle-income earners are still paying more with the same.