
Alert from the US Embassy due to crime in Barcelona

Tourists at the Sagrada Familia. | EFE


The U.S. Embassy in Spain has issued a warning on its website of a significant increase in violent crime in the city of Barcelona this summer, particularly in tourist areas, and recommends its citizens to be "attentive to their personal safety".

Local authorities have reported a significant increase in the number of petty theft schemes that have included acts of violence, such as aggressive thefts of jewellery, watches, and purses. In some cases, these incidents have resulted in injury.

Authorities indicate they are seeking to address these issues.

The U.S. Embassy reminds U.S. citizens to remain especially vigilant about their personal security.

Actions to Take:

  • Be vigilant with your personal belongings.
  • Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists.
  • Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
  • Review your personal security plans.
  • Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive jewelry or watches.
  • Call 112 if in urgent need of assistance.

Safety and Security information on Spain can be reviewed at the U.S Department of State website.

According to data provided by the Mossos d'Esquadra, up to August of this year there have been twelve homicides in Barcelona, one of the highest figures in recent years, while robberies with violence have increased by 30%, to 5,331 cases.

In total, the Mossos have carried out a total of 1,529 arrests so far this year - including minors - for crimes of robbery with violence and intimidation, which represents an 80% increase over the arrests for this type of case in the same period last year, which ended with 1,627 detainees.