
Online Bookings soar by 96%

Online Bookings soar. | Ultima Hora


Online reservations for trips to Majorca have soared by 96% since last weekend after Downing Street announced that the UK’s 14-day quarantine will be lifted within days, according to ABTA.

The Airlines say holiday reservations are growing at such a rate they may have to restart flights to Majorca and the rest of the Islands earlier than planned.

Downing Street is launching a new "traffic light system" that classifies countries as red, amber or green zones, depending on the risk of coronavirus infection.

Amber and Green countries will be excluded from the quarantine obligation, but foreign travellers and British citizens returning from a red zone country will have to self-isolate on arrival in the UK.

“We will be able to carefully open up a number of safe routes around the world, give citizens the opportunity to have summer holidays abroad and revitalise the UK economy through Tourism, said a British Government spokesperson.

The Green List includes, Austria, Greece, Germany, Croatia, Barbados, Thailand and Vietnam and talks are underway to include Australia and New Zealand.

The Amber List includes, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland and Spain.

The Red List includes, America, Brazil and India.

The new secure air corridors are designed and controlled by the England Centre for Biosafety and Public Health and will allow for the immediate reinstatement of restrictions if new virus outbreaks appear.


The Hotel Business Federation of Mallorca or FEHM and Balearic Hotel Association, or ACH, are hopeful that the increase in bookings will lead to more hotels opening this summer.

“The removal of the quarantine is excellent news which we hope will lead to an increase in reservations and the progressive arrival of tourists from the UK, said Gabriel Llobera, ACH President.”

“This is a great step towards a return to normality and we hope that it will result in more bookings," added María José Aguiló, FEHM Executive Vice President.