Foreign buyers eyeing up luxury properties in the Balearics

Luxury property, Mallorca. | EFE


36% of German buyers and 11% of British investors are trawling the real estate website, for luxury properties and 8% of French and the Dutch buyers 5% of Swedes are also checking out homes worth upwards of a million euros.

18% of German buyers, 11% of Brits, 10% of French, 9% of Americans and 7% of Dutch buyers are searching for luxury properties in the whole of Spain.

Around one in three foreigners look for luxury homes in the Balearic Islands; 16% are looking for high end properties in Malaga and 12% of them are Swedish or British; 15% are searching for luxury properties in Madrid and 18% of them are American followed by British and French.

11% of foreign searches are for homes worth over 1 million euros in Barcelona and most of the potential buyers are American. 8% are looking for high end properties in Alicante and most of them are Dutch or German.

4% of all luxury real estate searches by foreigners are for Girona; 39% are French and 13% are Dutch.

Santa Cruz and Las Palmas in the Canary Islands are the 7th and 8th most popular luxury markets and it’s mostly German buyers who are looking for homes worth upwards of 1 million euros.

2% of international buyers are searching the luxury market in Valencia and Cádiz and 93% of them are looking for homes worth more than 1 million euros.