Treying to distance himself from James Bond, struggling writer John Bososmworth.


Tucked away in Majorca is a “struggling” English author whose first book Carlos II, which is now on sale, he hopes will be the start of a new career. John Bosomworth, who writes under his grandfather's pseudonym, James Hayward-Searle, always wanted to write. At the age of 17 he wrote to the Telegraph hoping to become a motor racing correspondent - his dream never materialised, but no one, least of all Bosomworth, can say he went on to lead a dull life. Instead of writing about motor racing, he became a racing driver, before a serious accident brought an abrupt end to racing. But as a child he had been brought up around guns and hunting on Yorkshire estate and, hungry for excitement, returned to his passion, guns, sporting and the military. But, little did he know that by becoming an international shot for England and Great Britain and arms dealer, he was becoming a target for something he had never aimed for. Shooting for Britain took him all over the world and brought him into contact with a number of the Eastern block teams on both sides of the wall. In the late 70s the British intelligence service made its move and Bosomworth made his first “contact” while participating in an international shooting competition against the Russians in Madrid.