A 25-year-old Majorcan ferry steward made her television debut last night in the television show which has Spain on the edge of its seat. Monica Ruiz was called up on Tuesday to enter the “El Gran Hermano” experiment which was launched live on the air on April 23. Based on the format designed by the Dutch, the series started with 10 contestants being locked away from modern society, television, clocks and radios with the aim of lasting three months. Under the spotlight of over 30 cameras and over 60 microphones, the 10 contestants, who had never met before entering the house, go about their daily life and completing the tasks set them by the controllers of the programme. The winner is the last one remaining at the end of three months and will walk away with 20 million pesetas and guaranteed fame. However, every two weeks, the contestants and the public vote on who should leave the house. So far, the occupants have left the voting up to the public and last week's decision caused a number of complications. Silvia Casado from Malaga was voted out, a decision, Israel Pita, who she met on entering the house and fell in love with, did not like and walked out with her - an option all the contestants have if they reach a point where they cannot take any more. With a surprise exit, the television producers had to move a new contestant into the house in order to keep the number balanced.