A ten-year-old Palma boy was in hospital last night being treated for multiple injuries and broken bones after being thrown down a stairwell in a shopping trolley by another child in the city's red light district. According to Rafaela, the child's mother, the incident happened at 6pm last Thursday, near the new law courts. “That morning a child entered my shop brandishing a piece of glass and started chasing my son who was not at school because it was the first day of the summer holiday.” Rafaela said that a few hours later her son returned with an injured knee, which she reported to the police. But it was later that same day, her son was apparently set on by the same child who had been chasing her ten-year-old all morning, and bundled in to a trolley, which was subsequently thrown down a stairwell. The culprit fled in to the San Antonio red light district, while her son was rushed to hospital, where he will spend the weekend. “I thought with the new law courts, the neighbourhood would improve, the streets aren't safe for kids any more, I fear my son will never be the same again ” Rafaela said yesterday. Police have launched an investigation.