The noise started at about 2am.


People living near the Sant Joan de Deu power station in Coll den Rebassa were woken by a loud noise at about 2am yesterday. The noise lasted for about 45 minutes, and it was attributed to the opening of a safety valve in a boiler, as the pressure was higher than normal. It is a situation which seldom arises, but it does make a loud noise, and many residents feared an explosion. One neighbour said: “I heard a tremendous noise and was frightened. I called the police and they said that the fire brigade and police were on their way to the power station.” She went on to say that she saw white smoke and pointed out that there had been a fire at the power station one July seven years ago, when a transformer burned out and the area was evacuated. Another resident said that she thought it was the end of the world. She also complained about the smoke from the power station which dirties clothes. Most residents want the obsolete power station to be closed and said that they will demonstrate if they have to.