By Humphrey Carter POLITICAL negotiations over which parties will form the new council continued in Calvia yesterday, with the man who holds the balance of power, Majorca Union party candidate Isidre Cañellas, making his demands quite clear. After contesting 18 votes, Cañellas's UM party ended up with two local council seats against the conservative Partido Popular's ten and the PSOE socialists, which have ruled Calvia for the past 20 years, nine seats. No party won a clear majority, hence why Cañellas has become an important and influential figure over the past two weeks. Yesterday Isidre Cañellas, put his cards on the table, saying that with regards negotiations with the PP and the PSOE, his demands are simple: “I would like to be Mayor of Calvia.” He did however admit that talks are focused on which party/parties would be best for the municipality. Isidre Cañellas yesterday met acting Mayor Margarita Nájera for a further round of political talks, but he was giving little away yesterday, claiming “it was just another meeting.” He did however say that he and the Mayor discussed a number of common policies the parties shared and a programme they would carry out together: “but my party has more meetings with both parties between now and Friday, the eve of forming the new council.” “I presented myself as a UM candidate to be elected Mayor,” he said, adding that at the end of the day, such a desire will not cloud his or the party's judgement when deciding which party to form a coalition with. He also said that whatever decisions are taken by parties wishing to form the new Council of Majorca will not influence his party's decision in Calvia. Insular Council of Majorca talks also continued yesterday, with the PSM Majorcan Nationalists meeting UM party chiefs including Maria Antonia Munar, party president and acting leader of the Insular Council, who is obviously keen to hold on to power. However, the PSM said that it will not pact with the UM unless the make up of the council proportionally represents the election results, a demand Munar rejected and left PSM Mateu Morro claiming that there was little room left for negotiations. The PSM, which was part of the defeated left wing coalition government, has also decided not to draw up a joint offer for Munar with the PSOE socialist party. Morro believes that the new Insular Council should be formed along similar lines to the previous Balearic government, with all left wing and nationalist parties represented.