By Ryan Harrison BAR traders in the Port of Andraitx said last night that the industrial works, which have plunged parts of the town into chaos over the last week, have hit profits and forced customers out of the town centre.

Most Spanish bar owners recognised that the sewage repair work was vital though and hit back at a German-led protest which they said was not representative of the whole port.

Paco, owner of the La Lonja restaurant, said: “On Monday when they opened up the road a lot of people in the restaurant asked for the bill and wanted to leave. “The smell is worst during the day and this is when I've lost some business because people want to go to a restaurant further away,” he added.
A barman at the Las Palmeras hotel and restaurant said that the work is necessary, but shows lack of forward planning. “It has affected us greatly, but there's nothing you can do now. The problem should have been foreseen. “The German bar that headed the protest didn't ask us if we supported it,” he added.
The emergency sewage work is a result of a blockage in the underground pipes, which has seen gallons of untreated waste pumped directly into the bay where local people and tourists regularly swim.

The council are desperately trying to resolve the problem so the sewage can be redirected to the local treatment plant, after which the water can then be safely pumped out to sea.

On Tuesday a protest was launched with a banner put in front of the road works, which appeared to have the town's backing.
However as bar owners have said, the demonstration was only instigated by one German-owned bar and was not a reflection of the town's views.
The German intervention sparked a furious reaction from the Mayor of Andraitx, who was seen to confront the rebels.
Last night, however, the German bar refused to comment on their involvment.
Most bar owners said their mid-day trade, when the workers come for lunch, saw fewer customers because of the smell.
The port's taxi rank has also been inconvenienced as one of their pick-up points is within the blocked-off zone.
One taxi driver said: “It now means we have to do longer journeys which costs more money. “It's disastrous.” Following the thousands of people who turned up for last weekend's Virgen del Carmen festival the Port of Andraitx is now experiencing a summer lull in custom, as a result of the road works.