THE Majorcan Tourist Board was honoured by the World Travel Market in London for all the work it has carried out over the best part of the last 100 years to promote tourism in Majorca.

Tourist Board vice-president Pere Cañellas accepted the Silver Globe Award and thanked the UK holiday market for its co-operation and loyalty over the years.

But it was not all good news and celebrations for the Balearics on the first day of the travel trade fair.
The new director of the Spanish Tourist Board in London, Ignacio Vasallo, said that the Balearics and the Canaries are the two main victims of the change in holiday habits in the UK, while Catalonia, Andalucía and inland Spain are reaping the rewards of the rapid rise in independent tourism and the fall in the number of people booking the traditional one or two week package holidays.

Furthermore, he said that the low cost airline boom is giving Britons a choice of new destinations.