Theatre reform

R EFORM works on the old Santanyi theatre are due to start at the beginning of the new year. The Town Council is yet to award the contract which is going out to public tender this week.

The refurbishment, which aims to convert the old theatre installations into a multipurpose cultural centre, will cost in the region of one million euros, funds which will be provided by the Council.

The original premises were built in 1938 and were used for both stage productions and cinema screenings. The Town Council acquired the building about 15 years ago and it is currently abandoned.

Museum conversion

T HE purchase of the old Dominican convent, Ca ses Monges, by the Town Council of Lloret de Vistalegre is nearing completion. Progress has been made following an award of 1'200'000 euros from the Ministry of Tourism, a grant made within the framework of a region-wide plan to encourage all-the-year-round tourism.

Although the Town Council presented a project estimted at costing more than five million euros, the ministry grant “will allow us to buy the convent from the Bishopric and reform part of it”, said mayor's deputy, Antoni Bennàssar.

The councillor added that the convent project was a key agenda item for the term of office of the local government. Plans to convert the convent into a museum to illustrate the history and lives of the Dominican monks formed part of the Partido Popular electoral manifesto”.

Children's park

SOME 6'000 square metres of the Teodoro Canet carparking area in Alcudia are shortly to be converted into a children's park.
Works on restructuring the carpark, originally set up five years ago to decongest parking in the Port area, began two weeks ago.
The Town Council signed an agreement with the owners of the Teodoro Canet land and other adjacent proprietors, leading to the construction of 16'300 metres of carparking facilities, half of which is still to be tarmacked. The same agreement included the building of a children's park and the acquisition of land for the establishment of a new secondary school.

Archaeological report

THE Majorcan Socialist Party (PSM) in Opposition on Binissalem Town Council have asked for a technical and archaeological report in order for works to continue on refurbishing the old cemetery in Binissalem. The move comes following the discovery of a series of catacombs around the chapel.

A PSM spokeswoman explained that her party had put forward a motion at the last Town Council meeting that archaeogical test excavations be made to discover whether or not the site of an ancient church lies in the cemetery.

The motion could also have an affect on original proposals to fill the catacombs with concrete, a solution to shoring up the structural instability of the present chapel.

Excavations would have to be done before any concreting took place.
The chapel had become so unsafe that the Council had closed the Borneta road to traffic and apprentice workshops taking place in the cemetery had to be called off.