By Jason Moore

What a diet

THE latest figures on child obesity in the Balearics should be causing some concern, especially as the Mediterranean diet is allegedly the best in the world. But the Balearic problem is the same as the one in Britain: children aren't doing enough exercise and they are eating the wrong thing. If the government wants to tackle this problem seriously then all junk food advertisements need to be pulled from television. The schools are partly to blame, also. These days yoga, even for young children, has replaced what we once called “kicking a ball against the wall.” A tomato and cheese roll has been replaced by the latest type of chocolate snack heavily advertised on television. No-one is blameless in this problem but it's not going to go away.

Liverpool is in England!

TO all those Spaniards who are celebrating Liverpool's Champion League victory on Tuesday night I would just like to remind them that Liverpool is an English team with a Spanish manager. Liverpool is in England and it is not on the outskirts of Madrid like some over-zealous fans are trying to make out. For the first time in a very long time English teams have got much further than their Spanish counterparts in European Cup football, and that is the end of the story. If Real Madrid was in the final, I wouldn't be saying that they a partly English team because they have three English players. (Well, I might but that is another story. What a beautiful game!)
Poor old Michael Douglas

I feel rather sorry for Michael Douglas who now is being asked to pay for the restoration of an old watch tower and chapel in the grounds of his Majorcan home. Naturally, he can afford it but I hope that the Council of Majorca, will provide him with the necessary grants which any other property owner would be entitled to. Douglas was already heavily fined over a planning dispute. Majorca is very lucky to have residents of Michael Douglas' calibre and the local authorities should take this into account before they march head-long into another dispute.

At last

AT last Minorca is cashing-in on Admiral Nelson, the hero of Trafalgar. While major celebrations are taking place in Britain, Malta and Gibraltar Minorca has finally realised that this year is the 200th anniversary of Trafalgar.

They could be doing a lot more. Ninety percent of all tourists to Minorca are British and I am sure that all of them this summer would appreciate a major festival to mark Nelson's involvement with the island.