Staff Reporter

THE new incinerator, which is expected to be in use by 2010 and will cost 270 million euros, will have the latest technology for treating solid waste.
In keeping with the existing incinerator, it will have two methods of treatment, but it will be able to burn more rubbish as its furnace is bigger, and it will have a higher temperature capacity, which means it has a greater capacity to generate electricity.

The existing incinerator produces some 34 megawatts of electricity. The new incinerator will be able to generate at least double this amount, which is, more or less, enough to drive one of the turbines in Son Reus for a year. The exising incinerator can burn some 300'000 tonnes of solid waste per year. The new one will be able to burn another 350'000 tonnes, making its capacity 650'000 tonnes per year.

One of the innovations of the new incinerator is that the place where rubbish will be deposited before being burned will be underground. The height of the chimneys will be the same, but the building itself has been designed for minimum visual impact.

Tirme, the company which holds the concession for the treatment of solid waste, will be charged with awarding the contract for the construction and for the incorporation of the different treatment technologies.

The awarding of the contract for the work will take place after the Consulting Council has given their opinion and the Council of Majorca has finally approved the modification of Tirme's contract, which will extend their concession to the year 2041.

The Council of Majorca and Tirme expect the work to be started in Spring and to take three years to complete.
The existing rubbish dump in Son Reus, which has to be closed this year to comply with European law, will be converted into a viewing point, taking advantage of the “mountain” of rubbish.

From there it will be possible to see all of the Environment Technology Park and the Son Reus plants. The site available for the viewing point is nearly 300'000 square metres.

A centre will be created by the the overhead railway which runs through the Park for the interpretation, research and education on the treatment of rubbish, aimed at students as well as the general public.