Staff Reporter

A horse pulling a carriage bolted in the centre of Palma yesterday morning, injuring two people and damaging 18 vehicles.
The horse bolted out of control in Calle Conquistador, through the Plaza Reina and along the Borne, and was finally brought under control in Plaza Juan Carlos, outside the Casal Solleric.

One of the two people injured was taken to Son Dureta hospital, but his injuries were not serious.
Manuel, the owner of the carriage, explained that they were at the stand in Calle Conquistador, when “the horse heard a noise and started to race off, I tried to catch the reins and stop him but 100 to 150 metres further on the carriage turned, and I fell off.” He said the horse continued to race on, and “the carriage hit several cars and ran over a motorcyclist who was injured. In the Plaza Juan Carlos, the horse tried to pass between a taxi and another car but was stopped because the carriage could not get through.” The Local Police controlled the situation and the horse was taken to Son Reus for examination by a vet.
Manuel said that the damage caused by the carriage is covered by insurance, “but it was obvious that something was going to happen sooner or later. The carriage rank used to be in Avenida Antoni Maura, but was moved to Conquistador three years ago.” He went on to explain that the rank is poorly marked and every day they have trouble with drivers who park there. “The horses are nervous,” he added. Complaints have been made to the city council but nothing has been done, he says.

A new carriage will cost 7'000-8'000 euros.
Bulletin readers regularly draw attention to the plight of the horses which draw the carriages, used mainly by tourists.