PALMA MIQUEL Nadal, Balearic Minister for Tourism, called on the media yesterday to act “responsibly” when they report on forecasts for the tourist season in the Islands. He said that news of the industry should be “positive” because the next season is going to be a “great one.” Nadal said that as minister, it was his “obligation” to ask for the Press and other areas of the Communications industry to handle the issue “sensitively” because an unhealthy, or negative projection could have adverse consequences on the tourist market.

The minister insisted:“I call on reporters to collaborate with the government in sending a relaxed message to visitors about the Balearic economy.”Scaremongering, he said, will help no one. He pointed out that every year, when rates are negotiated between hoteliers in the Islands and the Tour Operators, the latter always portray a more worrying situation than is in reality the case, hoping to get a “better deal.”