Palma.—Palma City Council said yesterday that this month it is going to launch special security measures against street drinking and other unsocial behaviour which has been reported on the Son Castelló industrial estate, one of the principal production points of industry for the Balearic Islands.

The move comes after companies in the area have registered more than 30 complaints over public disorder at weekends.
Various meetings have taken place between the Balearic government and the Majorcan Industry Association (Asima) at which firms have spoken of the mess and rubbish which is left lying around, particularly in Calle Sabaters and Calle Porgadors.

Councillor for North and West Palma, Belén Soto has agreed with the Local Police, the Environmental Patrol Unit and cleaning company Emaya to keep a watch on the area and exercise a “zero tolerance” policy with offenders. “It is hoped the crackdown will discourage the uncivil behaviour which follows a street drinking party,” said Soto, saying that some companies worked 24 hours a day and couldn't allow their accesses to be covered in graffiti and urine.

A spokesman for Asima said that some companies are so fed up of the disruption that they are prepared to move offices out of Palma altogether if there is no solution.