THE first birth of the new year in the Balearics made news yesterday when baby Mateu Moya Juan came into the world at Can Misses hospital in Ibiza at 8 minutes past midnight.

The regional ministry for Health reported that the second birth of 2010 in the Islands - Jaume Cladera - happend at 10 minutes before 1am at the District Hospital in Inca on Majorca.

FORMENTERA STILL AWAITS FIRST BABY OF 2010 These two events were followed at 1.05am by the birth of Ainhoa Barragan Cañavate who was born at Son Llatzer hospital east of Palma, and by Diego who was born to Majorcan parents at Manacor Hospital at around 1.46am. The first child to come into the world at Son Dureta's University Hospital was at 3.10am with the birth of Vega Vaquer Campuzano.

The island of Minorca had to wait a little longer for its first baby of 2010 when Alex Alles Carreras was born at 9.08am in the Mateu Ofila hospital.
By lunch-time yesterday, Formentera was still awaiting its first birth of he new year.
Mothers and infants were all reported to be doing fine, reported hospital sources.