THE average Social Security pension was 607.04 euros in the Balearics in April, some 4.9 percent more than the same month last year, although it retains its position as fourth lowest pension in the country, being 9.6 percent below the national average of 671.35 euros.

This is according to figures published yesterday by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
The retirement pension, which is the one received by most people in the Balearics (92'080) was 678.90 euros in April, the fourth lowest in the country, ahead of Galicia (620.32 euros), Extremadura (638.63 euros) and Murcia (670.24 euros), and far from the 757.18 euros national average.

The Balearics have the lowest orphans pensions in Spain (266.68 euros, in comparison with the average of 299.88 euros). They are also lowest for dependants' pensions (295.95 euros, far behind the 396.12 euros national average).

The Balearics are in second lowest place for widow's pensions (446.97 euros, only ahead of Galicia with 417.05 euros and behind the national average of 497.37 euros).

In total, 157'087 people received a pension in the Balearics in April, 0.8 percent more than the year before. This represents 1.9 percent of the national total, according to the Ministry's figures.

The average retirement pension in Spain was 757.18 euros per month in April, which was an increase of 5.2 percent in comparison with the same month last year, according to the figures.

The average Social Security pension, which includes various types of pension (retirement, incapacity, widow, orphan and dependants) was 671.35 euros per month, which was a five percent increase in comparison with April 2006.